Are you in position to receive?

Recall the Last Address in your GPS. Are You in Route to Be Blessed?     

Through various aspects of life, we observe the importance of positioning. In sports, Julio Jones, one of the NFL’s top-ranking receivers, James Harden, NBA’s top-ranking shooting guard, Robert Lewandowski, the world’s top scoring center forward, all know and prove the importance of positioning. It is imperative for them all to be in position in order to complete such all-star plays to advance their teams. In exercise, be it weightlifting, dancing, or yoga, the position of one’s body can make or break the objective of the sequence. Positioning even presents itself as an intangible duty at times, not necessarily the description of a physical location, but also as a state of mind. For example, when individuals seek knowledge -to learn something- they must be willing and able to receive what is being imparted. This is not easy for some as it requires a role reversal from teacher to learner and leaner to teacher. 

But, as for blessings, are you in position to receive those?

Quite often we pray and wait. Sometimes with growing frustration, wondering if our prayers were heard. But what if it’s the fact that you were gifted these desires already and you must arrive to a point at which you can receive them. Again, equivalent to sports, even when the quarterback lobs a perfect pass down the field, the receiver must be in position to receive it. 

So how does one get in position to receive?  

As you wait, serve. Don’t sit idle. The waiting period is for positioning and repositioning; sometimes yourself, sometimes yourself relative to others. Exhaust yourself to get to this point. This is the hustle and grind of it all, the rush to set up the game winning play.  Is there room for you to receive? Sometimes, we can find that our cups are in fact too full to receive what we’re asking for. If this is true for you, then give. This means you are in a position to be a lender (receive that blessing).  

Get out of routine. Think about it, aren’t you asking for something different? Why would it be that you continue with your same ways, routes, routines and somehow encounter something new? Be willing to trust change. You will be more likely to get in a position to receive.     

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Stretching is also an integral component to positioning. Recall what it feels like, and even the dangers of bursting into physical activity without stretching. The same expectations apply here. Stretching ensures that we build enough endurance to bend and not break along the journey.  Stretch before, during, and after. Be willing to go beyond your limits. Stretch your mind, body, and faith. Try it all out. 

Throughout this journey, we have encountered many situations that didn’t pan out quite as expected. We gather these situations to reside in the drawer of missed opportunities. But just as we observed the relevance of positioning in various aspects of life, why wouldn’t it apply here. This is where it ultimately applies. If you understand positioning, you will be able to retire the existence of missed opportunities and work to arrive. What’s yours is here. Go position yourself to receive it.  


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